it's like a doggie soap opera here
Yesterday morning, I heard my 6-year old male shih tzu, Comet, yelping. I ran out of my room and pulled open the back door, but my two dogs weren't fighting anymore. However, Comet's eyes were red and blood was dripping from one of them. I locked Jada in the garage and carried Comet into the kitchen.
A few months ago we rushed him to the vet because his left eye was protruding out of the socket. The vet popped it back in, but was stumped as to what could have caused it to happen. But the incident yesterday solved that mystery.
Jada is a 2-year old shiba inu, a breed that's noted for being agressive towards other dogs. We "inherited" her from my sister, who stayed at our house when Jada was a puppy but never took her when she left. She's a wonderful dog and I love her very much, but she has some quirks. She can't stand when other pets get attention and she doesn't. We've learned that we can't shower Comet with affection in front of her, or she'll start a fight with him. I don't want to make it seem like these fights happen every day. They probably only happen about once in 4 or 5 months. I rush to break them up, and Jada has never hurt Comet prior to the before mentioned eye incident.
Right now, Comet is being pampered and seperated from Jada. I don't know how well he can see. We put medicine in his eye but he's still kind of shaky and has walked into the fridge and garbage can. He was barking to Jada and whining as if he wanted to see her, and she was barking back. I reminded him that she was the one who had hurt him.
If anyone has any comments or insights, they'd be appreciated. The link below is to pictures of Jada and Comet.