College applications are sooo . . . what's an adjective to best describe them? Annoying? Long? Sometimes I get so upset with the whole process that I just want to not go to college. But I didn't make honor roll for all four years of high school just to flip burgers my whole life. I think I want to be a graphic designer. I like art. But I don't want to live in the city. I want to have a nice big house in the country with lots of birds and dogs and a horse... Well, my current favorite sch...
Yesterday morning, I heard my 6-year old male shih tzu, Comet, yelping. I ran out of my room and pulled open the back door, but my two dogs weren't fighting anymore. However, Comet's eyes were red and blood was dripping from one of them. I locked Jada in the garage and carried Comet into the kitchen. A few months ago we rushed him to the vet because his left eye was protruding out of the socket. The vet popped it back in, but was stumped as to what could have caused it to happen. But...
Today is un dia muy importante. It's the second anniversary of my thyroidectomy. Yup, two years ago on this day, that little butterfly-shaped gland in my neck was ripped out. It was not fun. I had a goiter and this endocrinologist in Syracuse my parents took me to said if it wasn't removed it would just keep getting bigger, until eventually my neck was just one big goiter! Well, not really. But it definately wouldn't just disappear one day. The horizontal scar across my neck has gotten fa...